When many people think of skin care routines, they assume that these practices are reserved for women. However, that is simply not the case. Men are and should be spending time taking care of their skin so that it will continue to look good for many years to come. So if you are a man, or have one in your life who needs to step up his skin care routine, here are 5 skin tips for the guys:

Use Quality Skin Care Products

One of the best ways to look your best for many years to come is to use high-quality skin care products that are designed to help your skin maintain its energy and strength. At Hopkins Dermatology, we can help you determine what your skin needs, and advise the best products that you can use to achieve the results you desire.


Keeping the skin moisturized is essential for looking younger and healthier. While a moisturizer should be a part of your daily routine, you may also want to consider regular facials. A facial is a fantastic way to deeply cleanse the pores, remove old or dead skin cells, stimulate collagen production, and tighten the skin.

Get Enough Sleep

Another key skin tip is to get enough sleep every night. Demanding work schedules and family time may make it difficult to get the recommended eight hours of sleep every night. However, this rest is important, as it allows the skin to repair damage from the day so that you can wake up looking and feeling refreshed.

Kick the Smoking Habit

There are countless reasons why smoking is bad for your health. But, when it comes to your skin, smoking decreases the production of collagen–which is a key ingredient in helping you look younger, longer. It also decreases circulation and can cause lines around the lips, making you look much older than you should.

Wear Sunscreen

We know how good it feels to be outside, enjoying the sun. However, if you’re not wearing sunscreen, you aren’t doing your skin any favors. The sun can actually speed up the aging process, causing the skin to lose its elasticity. Just be sure to use a quality sunscreen that will complement your other skin care products.

At Hopkins Dermatology, we believe that men should be taking their skin just as seriously as women. That’s why we’re here to help. So if you live in Northeast Louisiana and are seeking advice you can trust, contact us today to get started.